Our Goal

BMC started with the goal of revolutionizing the harmful impacts of the fashion industry and bringing innovation to the forefront of what we can offer. We have created a way to make on-demand apparel manufacturing sustainable, scalable, and profitable. We are a tech-enabled, state-of-the-art print, cut, and sew operation specializing in high-quality apparel and home fashion products. Quality is at the heart of everything we do. We strive to produce the perfect product the first time by streamlining the manufacturing process to be more effective and efficient.

One of Kind Solution

We have partnered with iCreate.fashion, a platform that enables real-time 24/7 visibility of launch, manufacturing process, and inventory status. iCreate helps designers and brands build Smart Tech Packs (STPs) that can be used in both traditional and automated manufacturing plants.

Our Belief

We believe in upholding our manufacturing practices, services, innovation, and collaborations to the utmost standard to ensure that we always consider our environmental and social impacts.


We aim to provide the highest quality level of service through superior performance, outstanding efficiency, and continuous improvement.


We believe in honesty and encourage open communication and feedback throughout our business with clients and employees.


We are pushing the boundaries of the industry in every aspect of our business.


Our dedication to our clients and employees is paramount to our success and our ability to deliver excellence.


We are growing our business ethically and demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainable and responsible practices.
