Crafted for Change, Delivered with Care

BMC leads the way in On-Demand manufacturing, collaborating with global brands to actualize their visions. Our diverse capabilities and adaptable business strategies have propelled new brands to success while enhancing the profitability of established ones.

At BMC, we're not just redefining the industry; we're confronting standards to shape a more sustainable future. Honesty is our foundation, fostering open communication and feedback with clients and employees. We push industry boundaries, believing that dedication to our clients and employees is the key to our success and our ability to deliver excellence. Our ethical growth is fueled by a strong commitment to sustainable and responsible practices.

Tech-Driven Excellence

Our technological ecosystem, featuring the Kornit Presto and Lectra's cutting-edge solutions, empowers us to seamlessly go from design to production within minutes. With a fleet of Fetch Robotics AMRs and Juki's latest electronic sewing stations, our plant boasts an impressive capacity.

Real-Time Visibility

Thanks to the web portal, we offer absolute real-time 24/7 visibility into the launch, manufacturing process, and inventory status. Designers and brands can leverage this platform to build smart tech packs (STPs), ensuring efficient and accurate production.

Empowering the Future

BMC is committed to showcasing the competitive force of the United States in apparel manufacturing. With a focus on quality and innovation, our team is excited to lead the way.

We have solutions for your business:


Inventory Optimization

Our team can assist you in optimizing your inventory or, in some cases, eliminating the need for it entirely.


Sales Solutions

Our low to no risk product launches and ability to make one off custom solutions will help you drive sales.



Our tools can help you track every piece of your business, from onboarding new products to sales reports.



On-demand manufacturing at scale not only enhances efficiency but also aligns with sustainability goals, thus helping you fulfill your sustainability promises.

What is on-demand manufacturing?

On-demand means made-to-order. We do not make it until it is ordered. On-demand manufacturing can reduce financial and environmental waste as well as drive profitability.

What kind of clothing can you make?

At BMC we can manufacture just about anything that needs to be cut and sewn. We excel at making apparel that can benefit from one-off, limited edition, or customizations. Our clients benefit from working with our in-house design and development team to ensure their products meet their clients' needs.

Are you able to print on fabric?

Yes. Our factory features the powerful Kornit Presto Max S. The Presto Max prints direct to seam and allows us to print on just about any fabric you can imagine.

What are the benefits of on-demand manufacturing?

We  believe there are many benefits and would love to talk to you about them. One of the primary benefits is the financial impact on-demand can have on a business.

For decades, apparel brands have been used to paying cash upfront to order their inventory. Pricing for minimum order quantities is based on the order size. At a glance, the price per unit made may seem low, but that cost does not reflect the total lifetime price of each garment. The total lifetime cost of a garment includes all of the costs associated with that garment, fabric, freight, warehousing, waste, and other supply chains specific costs.

At BMC, our model is based on the cost per unit sold rather than the cost per unit made, which has a lower lifetime cost per garment since garments made at BMC do not require any of those other supply chain-related costs. Because of our model, you can keep more cash in your business and devote that cash to sales, moving more products sooner. In all, we believe the difference is a boost to your profitability and growth.

How do I get started?

We are excited that you are considering us as your manufacturing partner. To get started, we need to gather some pretty basic information. With this information, we can determine if we are a good fit for you and how best to proceed. To start the process, navigate to our solutions page and complete the form. Our team will be in touch within 48 hours. 
